The IOM mission in Mali has been established in 1998. Since then, IOM has worked hand in hand with the Government of Mali in order to respond to the needs of the most vulnerable population and face the migration challenges such us forced migration irregular migration, trafficking in persons, smuggling of migrants, among others.

IOM in Mali has significantly increased its operations after the crisis in 2012. The activities are implemented country wide.

Currently, the mission has hundred staff and a main office in Bamako and four sub-offices in: Mopti, Timbuktu, Kayes and Gao.

Through the implementation of different projects in the country, IOM provides humanitarian assistance to both international migrants and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).

Key actions in Mali

  • Humanitarian Assistance Response
    • Tracking and Monitoring of Displaced Population
    • Protection Assistance
    • Emergency Assistance
  • Early recovery and community stabilization
  • Migration Management
  • Border Management
  • Migration climate change