IOM in coordination with the Government of Mali, particularly the Ministry of Promotion of Women, Family and Child contributes to protect the population affected by the crisis, especially women and children, through the provision of psychosocial support and referral to the specialized agencies.

With the support of humanitarian organizations, IOM has set up a national operational system of protection in order to identify, assist and refer the most vulnerable.

Key Facts and Figures

  • 4, 642 individuals provided with protection assistance including counseling, psychosocial and mental support as well as emergency assistance and referral to specialized agencies
  • Protection Referral System in place for referral of protection cases throughout the country
  • Rapid Response Fund in place to provide food, temporary shelter, NFIs, medical care and transportation to the most vulnerable population
  • Operational Mapping of Protection Services in place including over 150 relevant institutions identified as providers of protection’s related services
  • Protection evaluations implemented in areas with high vulnerabilities in the northern regions
  • 36 children provided with psychosocial support, school kits and/or referred to be assisted by other specialized organizations.
  • Leadership of the Inter- agency  Child Protection Information Management System (IACPIMS) in Bamako
  • Identification of Gender Based Violence (GBV) victims and referral to specialized organizations cases of victims of GVB
  • 27 victims of trafficking identified and assisted
  • Capacity building and training on protection to Government officers, journalists, militaries and civil society